This Week’s Announcements

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11:00am Traditional Service

Print Bulletin 11:00am

Welcome to Germantown United Methodist Church!



Please fill out the registration of attendance found in the pew and leave it attached to the pad.
If you are visiting us today, we hope you find a meaningful time of worship and a welcoming community of faith.
If you are looking for a church home and would like to know more about membership, we would be happy to talk with you.

For more information, contact Mary Groh at 754-7216 or [email protected].

Welcome and Greeting

*Call to Worship

*Opening Hymn
*Affirmation of Faith UMH 881 Apostle’s Creed
*Gloria Patri UMH 70
Call to Prayer
Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Generosity Moment
Missions Moment


*Doxology UMH 95
*Hymn of Preparation
(Children come to the front during the last stanza.)
Time with the Children
*Hymn of Dedication
*Benediction Response
This Week’s Announcements

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11:00am Traditional Service

Print Bulletin 11:00am

Welcome to Germantown United Methodist Church!



Please fill out the registration of attendance found in the pew and leave it attached to the pad.
If you are visiting us today, we hope you find a meaningful time of worship and a welcoming community of faith.
If you are looking for a church home and would like to know more about membership, we would be happy to talk with you.

For more information, contact Mary Groh at 754-7216 or [email protected].

Welcome and Greeting

*Call to Worship

*Opening Hymn
*Affirmation of Faith UMH 881 Apostle’s Creed
*Gloria Patri UMH 70
Call to Prayer
Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Generosity Moment
Missions Moment


*Doxology UMH 95
*Hymn of Preparation
(Children come to the front during the last stanza.)
Time with the Children
*Hymn of Dedication
*Benediction Response