Children’s Ministry
We Are So Glad You’re Here!
It is our goal in children’s ministry at GUMC to provide a safe, fun, positive, and exciting atmosphere where
children can be nurtured in their Christian faith and grow in the grace and love of God. We look forward to watching your child grow physically, intellectually, and spiritually during his/her years in
Preschool Stepping-Stones and Elementary Kids Quest!
Please feel free to contact us anytime if you have any questions, concerns, or if you would like more information on volunteering.
New to Children's Ministry?
For those of you who are joining us as parents in Elementary Kids Quest or Preschool Stepping-Stones for the first time, we want to welcome you and give you a few pointers for making your child’s transition as smooth as possible.
• Make church a family priority.
• Take your child to worship.
• Participate – As a parent, you are the first and most influential Christian example in your child’s life. Serving in a children’s ministry program is a visible example to your child that church is a priority worthy of your time and energy. It’s also a great way to spend quality time with your child and to get to know his/her church friends!
Our Hamilton Nursery is overseen by paid staff each Sunday.
In Elementary Kids Quest, we depend on parent volunteers to teach our Elementary classes. We appreciate your help! Please contact us if you are willing to serve as a Sunday school teacher.
• Special needs – If your child has a special need, please alert us to that so we can be best prepared.
Sunday School Information
Classes for all ages meet between worship services each week. There will also be a time for gathering in the narthex following the Sunday school hour. If you need help connecting with an adult class while your children are in Sunday school, please let us know.
The Children’s Ministry is sending home monthly emails with Sunday School resources for our preschoolers and elementary school children. Please contact Natalie Adkinson if you are not receiving these emails. We want the children to understand the Scriptures are alive and relevant to today. Therefore, our lessons are active, engaging, and hands-on. Please send elementary children with their Bible each Sunday and Wednesday. Our one priority is to teach kids to LOVE GOD! “‘…with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Matthew 22: 37-38
Learn more about curriculum HERE
Worship Schedule on Sundays:
8:30-9:15am: Traditional worship in sanctuary
9:30-10:30am: Sunday school for all ages
10:30-11:00am: Fellowship time in narthex and OLEC
11:00am-12pm: Traditional worship in sanctuary
11:00am-12pm: Prism contemporary worship at OLEC
Elementary children are encouraged to attend worship with their families before or after Sunday school.
The nursery is open for children birth through pre-kindergarten during all worship services and during the Sunday school hour.
Tips for Worshipping with your children during Worship Services
GUMC invites and encourages children to attend worship. While we hope for appropriate behavior, we do not mind the noise (and possible commotion) that comes with having young children in worship. Children are part of this faith familyand are welcome in worship. To help in this transition, try some or all of the following:
1. Bring your child to church on a day other than Sunday morning.
Go on a tour of the church facility and locate the sanctuary, the Sunday school rooms, the gym (for Prism service), as well as the bathrooms. If you are a traditional worship attender, let your child explore the sanctuary, see how it feels to sit in the pew, and leaf through the Bibles and hymnals. Look around the chancel area (front of sanctuary) and talk about what will happen during the service. If you attend Prism, take a tour of the Owings Life Enrichment Center. Look at the bleachers
and padded chairs. Discuss how there will be refreshment tables and room in the back for movement/fidgeting.
2. Take home a worship bulletin and go through the service at home.
Show your child that there are times to sit, to stand, to sing, to pray, and to listen. Help your child learn the Lord’s Prayer and practice it at home. Prepare offering envelopes and let your child put money in the envelope; explain why the offering is important. You may even encourage “playing church” at home.
3. Read the Bible and pray at home.
If you have not done so, purchase an age-appropriate Bible for your child and read the stories. Let your child handle the Bible and encourage questions. You can explain that the Bible is where we learn God’s story and how we are part of that story. If you let prayer be a part of your everyday life, not just something you do at church, your child will understand its importance.
4. Sit near an aisle, near an exit.
If your child needs to go to the bathroom or is feeling overly stimulated or having a disruptive day, don’t be embarrassed. Walk your child out of the sanctuary or the gym until he/she can work off a little energy, and then come back in. This is much easier if you don’t have to crawl across a row of other people in the pew/row of chairs! Little ones like to sit up front so they can see more easily. We have a room with a live stream of the traditional service available in the Hamilton Nursery if you need to sit in there for a few minutes. For Prism services, if your child is fidgety and needs to move around, feel free to take them towards the back of the gym. There is plenty of space for movement and it won’t be a distraction for others!
5. Be prepared with a worship notebook or bag.
Our church provides materials for children to use during worship, but you are welcome to bring your own. Worship bags are in the white cabinet to the left of the sanctuary doors in the narthex. We also have children’s bulletins on the table outside both sanctuary entrances. We also have worship activity bags at Prism! These can be found on a table inside the gym doors. Ask an usher if you need help finding one. Coloring pages or blank paper for doodling are great to have in your bag. Coloring and doodling is not disrespectful, and can actually help your child listen more attentively. Encourage your child to draw pictures of the sermon or songs. Please, no markers – they may stain the pews or padded chairs in our worship spaces.
6. Teach basic church etiquette.
Speak to people before and after worship and teach your child how to greet others. If your child is shy, don’t force it, but practice at home and let your child see you greeting others. Meeting other people and taking care of the church facility helps a child feel that “this is my church!”
7. Get to know the ministers.
Introduce your child to the minister after worship and participate in other church activities so that the minister becomes a familiar face.
8. Don’t give up!
It may take a while for your child to become comfortable in worship. The best way for this to happen is to attend worship on a regular basis. There may be days when it doesn’t go well, but don’t let this stop you from coming the following week. Practice may not make perfect, but it helps a lot!

Stay Connected with GUMC Children’s Ministry!
Children’s events
Children’s Ministry Spring/Summer calendar 2025
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WOW – Worship on Wednesdays
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Acolyte Signup for January & February
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Easter Egg Hunt
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True North – Vacation Bible School
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Music & Arts Camp – Week 1 – Let’s Rock!
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ways to Serve in Children’s Ministry
1 Corinthians 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”
We want you to consider how you can work with us to create a vibrant ministry. There are a number of volunteer opportunities. Please read through these and find a place you feel your talents can best be used. We would love to see all families represented in our ministry. Just like most ministries, you will find you get much more back than you could ever give. Please prayerfully consider your role.
There are many ways to serve our ministry! Check out the info below and message us with any questions.
Sunday Morning Kids Quest Mentor
This crucial role is on the front lines of ministry with children. These individuals come each Sunday starting in August, building relationships with the children and sharing the Good News. Mentors use lessons to follow up the main lesson taught in large group. All lessons and materials are provided; you only need to bring a servant’s heart and love for God and children. Men, we need YOU to lead our boy groups. Time requirement includes 1 hour 15 minutes on Sunday morning and about 15 minutes of prep each week. We understand work and travel and will have substitutes for these occasions. Please contact Natalie Adkinson if you are interested in this role.
Sunday Morning Substitute Teachers
These individuals fill in when our regular Sunday School mentors are not available. All lessons and materials are provided; you only need to bring a servant’s heart and love for God and children. Please contact Natalie Adkinson if you are interested.
Stepping Stones (Nursery) Volunteer
These individuals present or assist with the weekly small-group lesson in the preschool classes. After large group time, each group will return to their classroom for the small group lesson. All lessons and materials are provided. These individuals would fill in for staff members who are absent. Please contact Janelle Crist to volunteer for this ministry.
Wow Small Group Leader or Food Prep
Worship on Wednesday (WOW) Small Group Leader: These individuals will join us on Wednesday nights for dinner, worship, and small group. We will begin at 6:00 with dinner in the Fellowship Hall, move to the chapel for worship, and then break into small groups and games. We will end at 7:30pm. All lessons and materials are provided. This is a semester commitment running for 10 weeks (excluding fall break and ending at Thanksgiving for the semester). We will resume in January and run up to Palm Sunday. Please contact Natalie Adkinson if you are interested in helping with this ministry. (If you are not able to make it in time for the dinner, you are welcome to join us at 6:30 for the rest of the evening.)
Worship on Wednesday (WOW) Food Prep: These individuals purchase and prepare the meal for Wednesday nights each week. The meals are very “kid-friendly” including favorites such as chicken nuggets, pizza, hot dogs, etc. No big-time cooking is necessary, just heating and serving. Time commitment each week is approximately one hour for purchase of food and two hours for preparing/serving/cleaning up. This job could be divided if multiple people work together. This is also a wonderful way for a Sunday school class to serve. Please contact Natalie Adkinson if you are interested in serving in this ministry area.

Natalie Adkinson
Director of Children’s Ministries

Hayley Heard
Associate Director of Children’s Ministries – Elementary

Janelle Crist
Associate Director of Children’s Ministries – Nursery
Hamilton Nursery Staff

Ann Graham

Kiki Gabb

Julie Chang

Lauren Kellum

Lily Presson

Sophie Crider

Cecilia Adkinson